Tuesday, January 13, 2015

 Ahh... the holidays are over and life is settling back into a more comfortable pace. It's not that I don't enjoy the whole holiday season, I really do. It's just nice to have life back to "normal" again. If there is such a thing as normal.

 Well, I waited for a long time to update this blog because I thought nothing interesting had happened. But, now it seems like so much has happened between now and the last time, that I don't even really know how to start. Why does blogging have to be so difficult? And why did I ever commit to doing it? I'm not a blogger! :)

 I don't know if I particularly made a specific New Years resolution this year, but I did determine that I will become a more organized woman. Mom had sent me a schedule book last fall and since I am crazy about planning things, I have been anxiously waiting for January so I can start writing in it. Now there is nothing new about me planning things, I do that a lot. BUT, this year, I intend to finish what I start. :) I just think it makes so much sense to have a plan. Especially with the little sugar plum making her appearance in April sometime, Lord willing. For example, living so far from real shopping, means that I often just run to the local grocer for supplies. Now there is nothing wrong with supporting local businesses, but this particular grocery store doesn't let their groceries go easily. I've found that by buying my groceries here, I could be spending close to double what I would be if I would run to Missoula. Now, the problem with driving so far to get groceries, is that, due to my lack of organization, I would come home with things I didn't need, and missing things I did need. So I would be spending the money I had saved by running into town, to purchase the supplies I had forgotten, in our local grocery store. Now, however, the new organized me, has begun to meal plan. Ahh! It's not super easy to plan a month of meals at a time. Yes, a month. Neither Chris or I am a fan of running into Missoula, especially this time of the year when the roads can be bad. So if I plan a month ahead, that means less trips, which also means less money wasted on gas for the road. I expect the meal planning will become easier once I've done it for a few months and can just look back at previous months for ideas. But, planning tasty, healthy meals for a whole month has been a bit of a challenge for me. This month has been our first attempt at it, so I guess I'll see how it works out. So far, I've enjoyed it. Although I've decided next time I'll write the schedule out in PENCIL, not pen, so I can make changes without scribbling all over my beautiful schedule book. Haha! I'm not particularly a perfectionist, I just have a few perfectionist tendencies.

 I could go on about how my new schedule includes a new look at spring/fall cleaning, but I figure I could be boring you with such mundane aspects of my life. Heehee. I will say this, washing trim along the floor at twenty-six weeks pregnant isn't as simple as you might think. I once read that you know you are pregnant if you bend over to pick something up off the floor and you look around to see if there is anything else that needs doing while you are down there anyway. It's true.

 We have been working on getting Makenna's room ready for her arrival. So far, we have purchased a crib and a glider to put in there. I LOVE SHOPPING FOR HER. It has taken great restraint on my part to not just go crazy and buy all the cute little girly things I see. I suppose it's a very good thing I live so far from town. Haha! She has gotten extremely active in the last few weeks. I had no idea that these little ones could kick so hard and not seem to get exhausted. Some nights I will wake up three to four times during the night, and each time she will be wiggling away. My doctor has to laugh every time she tries to listen to her heartbeat. Last time, the little girly gave a few swift kicks directly at the Doppler stethoscope thingy the doctor puts on my tummy. Apparently, she wasn't too pleased about something. I can hardly wait to meet her and see if she is really as feisty as she appears to be. :)

 I've been listening to the book of Genesis as I work the last few days and enjoying every minute of it. It has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible. It's just story after story of these amazing people, I find it inspiring. Today's story was of Abram and Sarai and the way God led them out of Ur. I had to marvel at Sarai and the way she followed Abram through everything. I wondered if she ever thought he was just plain crazy for leaving his homeland and traveling to an unknown city. I also had to wonder if I would be able to be as supportive of my husband as she appeared to be. I guess the Lord gives strength and grace in those times that you need it most. Just some random thoughts that I've been having this afternoon... :)

Until next time... Maac