Thursday, November 13, 2014

On snowmen, baby bumps, and lazy days...

I'm not going to lie, I have been putting off updating this blog because I don't really have anything to say. I am not sure what I can share about my life in this small town, that would be interesting enough to share...

We got our first snow! It barely covered the ground, but it was still exciting to wake up and see a semi white world out the window.
Naturally, I rushed out to the shop to dig out my winter decorations. Yes, I'm aware that it's not even Thanksgiving. But it SNOWED! It was very hard on me to put my snowmen away last... hmm... it MAY have been summer before I sorrowfully packed them away. Truthfully, I would probably leave them out year round, but Chris kept reminding me that it was warm out and I really could think of no reason to justify leaving them out any longer. So into a box and out to the shop they went. But, now it has snowed, and they are back out and happily smiling down at me from the top of my cabinets. Of course, I can't help but smile when I look at them, too. Even Chris had to admit that the house felt very cozy with my winter décor back where it belongs.
So... at seventeen weeks, I'm starting to develop a baby bump.
It feels like progress, so part of me is super excited. But then, there's the side of me that is sorta scared, too. I look in the mirror at the new me and I wonder if I'll ever have the old me back. I know I should be happy and grateful that my body is capable of this miracle. And I am. I know it'll be worth everything when I finally get to hold this little punkin'... but, I just want to have my old self back in the end. (sigh) Is that very selfish and childish of me? I feel guilty to not be enjoying all the changes happening to me... I mean, who is this new woman? And what have you done with the me that I lived with for the last twenty-nine years? I would find this totally bearable if I could just know that things would all go back to normal in the end. I don't like feeling fat and bloated. I don't enjoy the... umm... (in a hushed voice) gas. Seriously, what does THAT have to do with baby growing?

But in all honesty, my pregnancy is steadily improving. I've finally started believing the folks who kept saying, "It'll get better. You won't be sick forever." It is true. It's such a relief to actually want to do something other than lie on the couch and wish I could just sleep. Sadly, I've never been a napper. As in, I can't nap. There were times I barely slept during the entire night, but was I able to sleep during the day to make up for it? Nope. Apparently, my mind won't let my body sleep as long as the sun is up. It made for an exhausting several weeks. Now I'm brimming with energy most days. It's so good. I can't thank God enough for feeling so much better the last couple of weeks. Now, if I could think of something other than what I should eat next...
Chris has been super busy at the tire shop. The first snow brings in a LOT of business, as people want to order/put on their winter tires. He's been so busy, he barely gets time to even stop working long enough to eat lunch. They are planning to stay open late tonight and also open for a few hours on Saturday. I'm sure the over time hours will look nice on his paycheck, but... I like having my husband home at five every evening, and I definitely enjoy having him around all day on Saturday.
Like I mentioned previously, there really isn't anything too exciting or interesting happening around this neighborhood these days... and I like it like this. I prefer this sort of life over the kind we had a few weeks back while Chris's dad was in the hospital. Those sort of overly-stressed-out days make these laid back, just-enjoying-my-cozy-house days look like special gifts from God.
Well, I suppose I should finish up here and go check on the turkey I have in the oven. Food. Yum! Maybe I should go see if there is anything worth snacking on in the fridge... since I'm going to be in the kitchen anyway.
Love, Maac

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I Ain't No Quitter...

So... I started a blog. Not this one. The one I started and gave up on. I discovered I'm good at starting things... and then giving up on them. The fact that I started a blog and quit blogging shortly afterward did not reveal this fault in my character to me. I've been aware of this particular flaw for quite some time. I'm a planner, an organizer, a list maker. I LOVE MAKING LISTS. But I'm not good at following through...

I have determined that needs to change. I want to be a finisher. I want to be able at the end of my life to say, "I have fought the good fight, I have FINISHED the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7) You see, I know that this particular weakness of mine doesn't only affect my ability to follow through with my desire to be organized and finish the projects that I start. It also impacts the way God is able to use me. There have been countless times that God has revealed to me a shortcoming in my life or some goal He wants me to strive toward, and I eagerly attack it. I want to change. But, two weeks down the road, I've entirely forgotten what He was asking of me and quit fighting for the best things in life.

But, now I'm expecting. A baby, that is. Inside of me a new wee little life is being formed. And I will be its mommy. It will look up to me for guidance. My shortcomings will impact this little one like no one else. I want to be the best mommy that I can be. I want to be the best version of me that I can be. I want our wee one to see Jesus in me. Jesus was a finisher. He finished what He came to earth to do. I, too, must finish what I've been put on earth to do. Whether it be something as simple as the meal planning I want to do, or some grand plan to reach out to my neighbors. Let me tell you, that is no easy task for an introvert  like me. It involves talking to people I don't know...

This blog is going to be tangible evidence that I am not a quitter. I may not have much to say. No one may ever care to read my scribbles. That isn't important. What is important, is that I promised someone I would write a blog. I am determined to finish what I start.